Welcome to Simple Investment Group, Inc.


Welcome to Simple Investment Group, Inc. We offer professional, comprehensive real estate investment services in a turn-key manner that minimizes your time as well as properties in need of “TLC” to maximize your financial return. Best of all, our expertise comes from our experience.

For generations, residential real estate has been America's best investment opportunity for individual investors. When done correctly, investment properties can yield a steady cash flow while simultaneously building long-term equity that holds the potential to add significant value to your retirement portfolio.


Simultaneously monitoring the market for the right deals and managing multiple properties takes time and effort that busy, successful people like you have. Those who already own investment properties know how true that can be.

Whether you are a seasoned real estate investor or you are brand new to the real estate world, we are here to help.  For additional information on how we can help you maximize your real estate position, or if you want simply to have a real estate discussion please,